FHLW-1 (GRS-18)


Object Name: FhLw-1 (GRS-18)

Record Type: Site

Institution(s): University of Manitoba

  1. FhLw-1
  2. Boreal Plains
Date Details:

1200 to 1700 A.D.


Easterville Vicinity, Manitoba


Site inventory and excavation report suggest that faunal remains and a nail were also recovered at this site; however these objects were not present in the catalogue or collection.


Site identified by William J. Mayer-Oakes (University of Oklahoma) and crew during 1961 survey. Surface collection and test excavation of one ten-foot square completed the same year. Site interpreted as a habitation site, dating to the Late Woodland period. Site has since been destroyed by flooding.

Summary of Collection: Artifact categories in collection: lithic (stone implements and waste), precontact ceramics (clay pots) and metal.

Borden Number: FhLw-1

References: Mayer-Oakes, William J. 1970 Archeological Investigations of the Grand Rapids, Manitoba, Reservoir 1961-1962. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press.

References: Mayer-Oakes, William J. 1962 An Archeological Survey at Grand Rapids, Manitoba (July 15 - September 15, 1961). Typescript on file, Department of Anthropology Laboratory, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg.

References: Northern Lights Heritage Services Inc. 2005 Grand Rapids Technical Report: Reanalysis of the Artifacts Recovered by the 1960 to 1962 Grand Rapids Archaeological Survey Projects (Meshea Pow-e-stick). Report on file, Department of Anthropology Laboratory, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg.